A few thoughts as we left 2021 behind

A few thoughts as we left 2021 behind

It is the beginning of 2022. Another year has passed. COVID 19 is still here, however we, people, are different. We learned to adapt to the uncertainty, push ourselves to be more resilient and become more self-aware around what is truly important in life. As COVID 19 continues to keep us grounded, some of us appreciate the gift of travelling freely even more, and, for those far away from relatives, this period gives a lot more perspective to the importance of being reunited with family. As I leave 2021 behind, I find myself more grateful for what I have, for what I learned this year, and with a deep sense of compassion for those people who lost their dear ones during this difficult  time.

2021 has been a year with a lot of personal and professional growth, self-awareness and spiritual awakening. Today I decided to share with you a few of my thoughts and questions to reflect on.

  1. Family always comes first. Many of us spend more time working than at home, and often we get to prioritize other people versus our own family. I am one of those people who have the tendency to do so. One question that helps me bring perspective back when I feel I am prioritizing other things over my family is: who will call me or remember me when I am older? Am I spending my time where my contribution is appreciated ?
  2. A friend in need is a friend indeed. I remember growing up with this quote. It is so true. True friends show up for you in times of need. A true friend will never try to change you, make you look bad or judge you. If you have true friends, cheer them on and don’t hesitate to let them know.
  3. Success means different things to different people. As we start 2022 it is important to realize what success means to each of us. Different people have different definitions for what success is. There is no right or wrong answer. It is simply what is best for you and what you value most. As it is the beginning of the year, I invite you to define what success means and what is truly important to you at this time.
  4. Life is more than just work. Do you agree? We hear this and we often ignore the message, or at least I ignored it many times. Special moments never come back. The pandemic reminded us all about the importance of having a work-life balance for our well being. And how important it is to have a life beyond work. If you ask me, work-life balance should be a human right, not a luxury or something you need to earn. I truly hope this realization will stay with us for many years to come.
  5. Treat others the way you’d like to be treated. If all people would do that, the world would be a much better place. How you treat people says a lot about your values, strengths and who you are as a person. And if you don’t value people, then what are your values? I am aware that people value different things, however let’s not forget we don’t live forever. 
  6. Time is the most important currency. A few years ago, I heard this quote and I realized how true it is. Only when you lose someone dear to you, you realize the importance of time and how important life is. Where, with whom and how you spend your time are all important questions to ask yourself as we start a new year. What are your plans?
  7. Love other people like you love yourself. A great quote to remember especially when someone annoys you, upsets you or makes you angry. When you can still love someone and detach from that negative emotion, then you truly mastered unconditional love.  Love, compassion, joy and forgiveness are the only ways to move forward and live a good peaceful life. Most importantly, life is too short to hold resentments, fear, anger, worry or any other low vibrational emotions that affect your well-being and the ones around you. 
  8. Surround yourself with people who bring the best in you. People are energy in motion, therefore the energy around you can affect you and others, especially if you are a very empathetic person. How does your energy influence other people ? How do other people’s energy influence you? What are you learning about yourself ? What actions do you need to take to keep yourself in good spirit ?
  9. Energy is limited. You can’t give to other people when your cup is empty, even if you want to.  Finding time to fill your own energy cup is the only way to be able to support other people effectively. Take time to recharge.  A few questions to consider are: what activities increase my energy level? What makes me keep going? What drains me? What am I learning about myself? What actions am I taking to keep my cup full, so I can support others ? 
  10. Cultures, customs, diversity and inclusion are key to humanity and part of who we are as a whole. They all bring richness to our existence. Are we fully aware of this great asset? How do we leverage it to the benefit of the community? How do we look at this with more curiosity and desire to learn? There are a lot of questions we can ask here, however space is limited to go into details in this article.

Good bye 2021 and welcome 2022! Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year, full of peace, health and joy! May 2022 bring you a lot of health, happiness and may all your dreams come true!

Drop me a note with your thoughts, perspectives and your own reflections.

With love and gratitude,
